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CONNECT FIVE,PARAGRAPHS,UNIT 7,2023برجرافات يونت 7 كونكت 5 ترم ثانى 2023

الصف الخامس الابتدائى 
ترم الثانى 
برجرافات الصف الخامس الابتدائى 
يونت 7 


connect five, second term, paragraphs unit 7
CONNECT FIVE,PARAGRAPHS,UNIT 7,2023برجرافات يونت 7 كونكت 5 ترم ثانى 2023

Paragraphs unit (7)

  1. Your new apartment : 

     I moved with my family to a new apartment. It is bigger than the old apartment. It has three bedrooms,2 bathrooms, a kitchen, a living room and a balcony . The view from the balcony is fantastic. The new oven is much easier to cook in it. There is a bigger television in the living room. It is an amazing apartment.

  1. Your favorite room : 

       My favorite room is a bedroom. I like it because I can relax and do my homework quietly. I share my room with my sister. There are two beds, 2 desks and an armchair. On the wall, there are many posters of animals. On the right, there is my desk. On the left, there is my sister’s bed. I love my bedroom.

3.Homes in ancient Egypt :

    In ancient Egypt, ancient Egyptians made their homes near the Nile. They used its water for drinking, washing and farming. They used mud bricks to make strong walls. they painted their homes with white. They used reed mats to sit and sleep in it. They used pots and baskets for sorting crops and wooden boxes for clothes. In the countryside, their homes had one floor, but in the cities, their homes had two floors. They also had a garden. Not many people had beds or chairs. Their homes had flat floors.  

4- Unusual  House: 

        There is an unusual house in the Netherlands online. It is upside down.  It’s an old farmhouse which people change into modern. All of the windows are at the top of the house , so you get a lot of light. Local people like it because it fits in the local landscape, fields and farms. It is also very ecological because they use air, water and sun to get their energy. It’s really cool.

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المشاركات الشائعة من هذه المدونة

short vowels vs long vowels

              short vowels vs long vowels there are a lot of sheets which help your child to differentiate between short and long vowels. we have five vowels ( a- e- i - o - u ) they can be short sound or long sound . when we say long vowel we say their name.  short vowels :  short a : cat - can - bag   short e : hen - pen - men  short i : six- fix - mix short u : sun - bun - hut short o : hot - dog - log long vowels : long a : play - train - lake long e : tree - bee - leaf long u : tune - mute - June  long i : line - light  long 0 ; yellow - boat - rose for more details you can see this slide short vowels vs long vowels watching video  short vowels vs long vowels Contact me      LinkedIn :  https://www.linkedin.com/in/manal-rayan-267495260/       Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/snow.queen.923519

العاب منتسورى لتنمية الذاكرة البصرية

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The lion and the noisy rat story قصة الاسد و الفار المزعج

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